Monday, March 10, 2008

AFD Flower Care & Handling Instructions

These are basic instructions, not all flowers are the same and some do need special handling. Below you will also find flower types with special handling needs.
(Important: Do not remove flowers from wrappers when you receive them; leave wrappers on the flowers especially roses until they are hydrated, especially for roses, remove wrappers within 48-hours or less)
1) Make sure your container is ready, it should be plastic or glass. Container should be clean of any type of dirt or bacteria, if not clean flower stems can get clogged and cause flower to wilt and die. It is best to wash containers with bleach to make sure they are clean. Fill container with clean (filtered) cool or lukewarm water.
2) Flower food packets are NOT included with the flowers, (visit our supply page for flower food and other items) these are the nutrients flowers need for proper hydration.
Prepare the solution as directed on the packet (easy steps). This will help the flowers hydrate better and last longer. (If you do not have flower food do not worry just do the following per 1/3 bucket of water, pour 1/3 can of soda * sprite / 7-up * and a cap full of household bleach. The soda is for the sugar which feeds the flowers and help them hydrate and the bleach will keep the water bacteria free)
3) Before placing them in water, cut the flower stems, removing half inch to one inch from the bottom of the stem, keeping in mind you will need to make a fresh cut later when making your arrangement, you must make sure ALL stems are cut, if for any reason a stem is not cut the flower will not hydrate and wilt.
4) Use a sharp knife that will not smash the stems. This enables your flowers to absorb water easily. (Please be careful with this step)
5) Remove leaves that will fall below the water line this will make your water last longer and keep it cleaner for flowers to hydrate better. Heat will reduce the longevity of fresh flowers, so be sure to place your container of flowers away from sources of heat, such as sunny windows, appliances or heating vents.
6) Keep the container filled with fresh clean water or the floral foam saturated, KEEP IN COOL A/C ROOM ALWAY FROM ANY DIRECT SUN OR HEAT.
7) If within 24 -hours of hydrating any flower seems like they are not drinking re-cut stem. Making sure it’s a clean sharp cut and make sure flower stem is open for hydrating. Every few days replenish preservative and re-cut the stems and enjoy your flowers. A finishing spray like Aquafinish is recommended to make flowers last longer. You can find supplies in our supply catalog:
Flowers With Special Handling & Tips:
Flowers are tight and you need them to open faster: Keeping your flowers in cool temperature about 42 F - 70 F will keep them from opening so fast and make them last longer. If you need to open your flowers faster you would need to keep them in a warmer temperature (room temperature recommended) and re-cut their stem and place them in warm/luke water, repeat every few hours till they are where you want them to be.
Stephanotis: Is a fragrant and fragile flower. This flower is very cold sensitive and needs constant moisture. To work with these flowers you must wet your hands to keep them moist this will also keep the oil from your hands from turning them brown. Temperatures below 42 degrees and excessive handling my cause bruising. To rehydrate flowers, float in 80-90 F water and store moistened above 42 F
Gladiolus: After processing as instructed above you must snap off the very top flower bud for your Glads to open fully.
Roses: It is recommended to cut your rose stems underwater, this helps stop air from entering the stem and causing the rose heads to bend.
Lilies: Take longer to open then most other flowers average time is about 3-5 days. This also depends on handling and temperature kept. If flowers are kept cool it will take longer for them to open, it is recommended to keep lilies at room temperature for them to open faster. If lily is not opening fast enough you can place them in warm/luke temperature water to help them open faster.
Daffodil: This flower when cut releases sap that will harm your other flowers if hydrated with them; make sure to hydrate them separately. When ready to make your arrangement make sure sap is washed off before mixing them in.

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